Energy limitations and energetic efficiency of mobile robots

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This chapter deals with the analysis of energy consumers, presents a methodology of power calculation and optimization of the power/mass ratio of miniature robots, and provides several examples that demonstrate how to reduce the energy consumption in the robots. These examples together with motion planning provide greater opportunities to achieve better energy efficiency for mobile robots. The chapter also discusses the velocity profile correction for energy optimization approaches in the direction of energy resources. It also considers the energetic model that analyzes energy utilization in mobile robot traverse and estimates maximum range achievable by wheeled and caterpillar mobile robots operating on a single battery discharge. After taking into account different energy utilizations, such as propulsion and steering, the model indicates that the most energy-consuming part of a mobile robot is its robotics functions, such as computing, sensing, and communication.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAutonomous Mobile Robots and Multi-Robot Systems
Subtitle of host publicationMotion-Planning, Communication, and Swarming
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9781119213154
StatePublished - 6 Sep 2019


  • Energetic model
  • Energy consumers
  • Energy optimization approaches
  • Mobile robots
  • Motion planning
  • Power calculation
  • Power/mass ratio
  • Robotics functions
  • Velocity profile correction


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