Education, socialization and community: Coping with marginal youth in rural frontier communities in Israel

Shimi Friedman, Miriam Billig

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


This article is an enquiry into the social and cultural phenomenon of a group of youth at risk who live in community settlements in isolated rural areas. The aim of the article is to focus upon the ambivalent views these youths at risk have regarding the above communities which were collected in twelve in-depth interviews carried out with youth counsellors, social workers and members of the families of the youths at risk in the community settlements. In the process of analyzing the data the central themes concerning social exclusion versus inclusion as well as the difficulty of defining the boundaries of the community arose. This social arena exhibits how the phenomena of youth at risk at small communities, express the discussion of the legitimate non-conformist reality about new normative boundaries of the community resulting from these adolescents' social processes. We will show how different players simultaneously act in the community in the way they deal with the youth at risk (in non-formal education, teaching and care authorities, the community) and how each of them influences the formation of the definition of its boundaries in their decision to include and embrace or to exclude and ignore the marginal youth among them. In other words not only are different social forces not operating as a consensus by virtue of the struggle they are engaged in, they are even expressing social messages that deal with the formation of the local community in its broadest and narrowest sense.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-109
Number of pages7
JournalChildren and Youth Services Review
StatePublished - Jan 2018


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