Dynamics of superradiant emission by a prebunched E-beam and its spontaneous emission self-interaction

R. Ianconescu, A. Gover, A. Friedman, C. Emma, P. Musumeci

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


In the context of radiation emission from an electron beam, Dicke's superradiance (SR) is the enhanced "coherent" spontaneous radiation emission from a pre-bunched beam, and Stimulated-Superradiance (ST-SR) is the further enhanced emission of the bunched beam in the presence of a phase-matched radiation wave. These processes are analyzed for Undulator radiation in the framework of radiation field mode-excitation theory. In the nonlinear saturation regime the synchronism of the bunched beam and an injected radiation wave may be sustained by wiggler tapering: Tapering-Enhanced Superradiance (TES) and Tapering-Enhanced Stimulated Superradiance Amplification (TESSA). Identifying these processes is useful for understanding the enhancement of radiative emission in the tapered wiggler section of seeded FELs. The nonlinear formulation of the energy transfer dynamics between the radiation wave and the bunched beam fully conserves energy. This includes conservation of energy without radiation reaction terms in the interesting case of spontaneous self-interaction (no input radiation).

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2017
EditorsKip Bishofberger, Carlsten Bruce, Volker RW Schaa
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9783954501793
StatePublished - 2017
Event38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2017 - Santa Fe, United States
Duration: 20 Aug 201725 Aug 2017

Publication series

NameProceedings of the 38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2017


Conference38th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, FEL 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySanta Fe


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