Dying to Lose Weight: Genetic Addiction Obesity Risk Assessment (GORA) Panel Embracing Precision Obesity Management (POM)

Kenneth Blum, Mark S. Gold, Abdalla Bowirrat, Igor Elman, Milan T. Makale, Debasis Bagchi, Eric R. Braverman, Catherine A. Dennen, Panayotis K. Thanos, Colin Hanna, Kai-Uwe-Lewandowski, Alireza Sharafshah, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The now well-characterized obesity epidemic is a primary public global health concern. Previously, we were aware of the catastrophic clinical outcome in the late 1990s of the weight-loss pharmaceutical (Phentermine) induction of premature deaths. This book chapter aims to trace the neurochemical mechanisms of unwanted eating disorders and target specific loci, ascertained by understanding reward mechanisms and the function of the brain reward cascade (BRC). Changes in brain functional connectivity based on neurobiological mechanisms related to various polymorphic genes are antecedents to overeating, binging (e.g., bulimia), and undereating (e.g., anorexia nervosa). This approach embraces the induction of “dopamine homeostasis.” It is now well accepted that dopaminergic function at the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the release of dopamine at the nucleus accumbens (NAc) varies, and low dopamine function is associated with high Body Mass Index (BMI). There are many genetic risk alleles having both central and peripheral functions that lead to unwanted obesity as a generalized phenotype. The inventors are cognizant of the heuristic value of the development for commercial use of an objective genetic assessment tool for both consumer and clinical professionals to identify a predilection for obesity-related sequalae. The non-pharmacological intervention proposed herein a newly developed anti-obesity restoration model (AORM) utilizing a cluster of efficacious therapeutic modalities preferably guided by DNA polymorphisms. These include but are not limited to: optogenetic stimulation, yoga, medication, diet, exercise, fitness coaches, nutrition programs initiated early in recovery, and gentle dopaminergic agonistic therapy. Initially, the consumer obtains results from a simple non-invasive saliva or cheek cell test referred to as a genetic addiction obesity risk assessment (GORA) panel to determine genetic risk severity and identify polymorphic targets for either pharmaceutical or nutraceutical interventions like glutaminergic–dopaminergic restoration. The preferred putative involves various neuro-nutrient formulations (KB220 research name) matched precisely to the deficient neurotransmitter systems identified by an individual’s genetic profile. Known genetic reward mechanisms involving neurotransmission pharmacology promote the long-term development of “dopamine homeostasis” to treat and prevent relapse to eating disorders. This novel therapy now is “precision obesity management (POM).”.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBody Recomposition
Subtitle of host publicationA Comprehensive and Metabolic Alternative to Weight Loss
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9781040097182
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2024


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