Drop-wise and film-wise water condensation processes occurring on metallic micro-scaled surfaces

Anton Starostin, Viktor Valtsifer, Zahava Barkay, Irina Legchenkova, Viktor Danchuk, Edward Bormashenko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Water condensation was studied on silanized (superhydrophobic) and fluorinated (superoleophobic) micro-rough aluminum surfaces of the same topography. Condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces occurred via film-wise mechanism, whereas on superoleophobic surfaces it was drop-wise. The difference in the pathways of condensation was attributed to the various energy barriers separating the Cassie and Wenzel wetting states on the investigated surfaces. The higher barriers inherent for superoleophobic surfaces promoted the drop-wise condensation. Triple-stage kinetics of growth of droplets condensed on superoleophobic surfaces is reported and discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)604-609
Number of pages6
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - 30 Jun 2018


  • Drop-wise condensation
  • Film-wise condensation
  • Kinetics of droplets growth
  • Stability of the Cassie state
  • Superhydrophobic surfaces
  • Superoleophobic surfaces


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