Does the riskier driving of drivers with ADHD generalise to professional drivers that are monitored by their supervisors?

Tomer Elbaum, Assaf Botzer, Ishai Nir, Yoram Braw, Michal Shisha, Shraga Shoval

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Drivers with ADHD are at greater risk for road accidents and are more prone to traffic violations and risky driving than drivers without ADHD. However, no study has tested if the greater risk of drivers with ADHD generalises to a population of professional drivers that are monitored by their supervisors. We investigated the driving behaviour of transport military drivers with and without ADHD (25 and 146, respectively) based on the reports from an Advanced Driving Assistance System. Results indicated that safety events were significantly more frequent for drivers with ADHD than for drivers without ADHD. Notably, the most significant difference was for speeding violations with a Relative Risk (RR) of 2.13 (113% increase). We conclude that the riskier driving of drivers with ADHD remains even among professional drivers that are monitored by their supervisors. Perhaps drivers with ADHD might benefit from customised intervention programmes. CCS CONCEPTS • Applied computing → Operations research → Transportation • Computer systems organisation → Real-time systems.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBehaviour and Information Technology
StateAccepted/In press - 2023


  • Driving safety; driving behaviour; ADHD; naturalistic driving; fleets; driver assistance systems


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