Design and in-field testing of the world's first ReBCO rotor for a 3.6 MW wind generator

Anne Bergen, Rasmus Andersen, Markus Bauer, Hermann Boy, Marcel Ter Brake, Patrick Brutsaert, Carsten Bührer, Marc Dhallé, Jesper Hansen, Herman Ten Kate, Jürgen Kellers, Jens Krause, Erik Krooshoop, Christian Kruse, Hans Kylling, Martin Pilas, Hendrik Pütz, Anders Rebsdorf, Michael Reckhard, Eric SeitzHelmut Springer, Xiaowei Song, Nir Tzabar, Sander Wessel, Jan Wiezoreck, Tiemo Winkler, Konstantin Yagotyntsev

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

89 Scopus citations


The main aim of the EU H2020 project EcoSwing was to demonstrate a technical readiness level of 6-7 for high-temperature superconducting (HTS) technology operating in a wind generator. To reach this goal, a full-scale synchronous HTS generator was successfully designed, built and field-tested in a 3.6 MW turbine. The generator has a rotor with 40 superconducting coils of 1.4 m long. The required >20 km of coated conductor was produced within the project's time schedule. All coils were tested prior to assembly, with >90% of them behaving as expected. The technical readiness level of HTS coils was thus increased to level 7. Simultaneously, the maturing of cryogenic cooling technology over the last decade was illustrated by the several Gifford-McMahon cold-heads that were installed on-board the rotor and connected with the stationary compressors through a rotating coupling. The cryogenic system outperformed design expectations, enabling stable coil temperatures far below the design temperature of 30 K after only 14 d of cool-down. After ground-based testing at the IWES facility in Bremerhaven, Germany, the generator was installed on an existing turbine in Thyborøn, Denmark. Here, the generator reached the target power range and produced power for over 650 h of grid operation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberab48d6
JournalSuperconductor Science and Technology
Issue number12
StatePublished - 25 Oct 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • HTS
  • Superconducting generator
  • Superconducting machinery
  • Wind turbine


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