Criteria for Validity of the Maximum Norm Principle for Parabolic Systems

Gershon I. Kresin, Vladimir G. Maz'ya

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2 Scopus citations


We consider systems of partial differential equations, which contain only second derivatives in the x variables and which are uniformly parabolic in the sense of Petrovskii. For such systems we obtain necessary and, separately, sufficient conditions for the maximum norm principle to hold in the layer Rn × (0, T] and in the cylinder Ω × (0, T], where Ω is a bounded subdomain of Rn. In this paper the norm |·| is understood in a generalized sense, i.e. as the Minkowski functional of a compact convex body in Rm containing the origin. The necessary and sufficient conditions coincide if the coefficients of the system do not depend on t. The criteria for validity of the maximum norm principle are formulated as a number of equivalent algebraic conditions describing the relation between the geometry of the unit sphere of the given norm and coefficients of the system under consideration. Simpler formulated criteria are given for certain classes of norms: for differentiable norms, p-norms (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) in Rm, as well as for norms whose unit balls are m-pyramids, m-bipyramids, cylindrical bodies, m-parallelepipeds. The case m = 2 is studied separately.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-272
Number of pages30
JournalPotential Analysis
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1999


  • Maximum norm principle
  • Parabolic systems


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