Coulomb-induced synchronization of intersubband coherences in highly doped quantum wells and the formation of giant collective resonances

Mikhail Tokman, Maria Erukhimova, Yongrui Wang, Alexey Belyanin

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Many-body Coulomb interactions drastically modify the optical response of highly doped semiconductor quantum wells leading to a merger of all intersubband transition resonances into one sharp peak at the frequency substantially higher than all single-particle transition frequencies. Starting from standard density matrix equations for the gas of pairwise interacting fermions within Hartree-Fock approximation, we show that this effect is due to Coulomb-induced synchronization of the oscillations of coherences of all N intersubband transitions and sharp collective increase in their coupling with an external optical field. In the high-doping limit, the dynamics of light-matter interaction is described by the analytic theory of N coupled oscillators which determines new collective normal modes of the system and predicts the frequency and strength of the blueshifted collective resonance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number245403
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number24
StatePublished - 15 Jun 2023


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