CDH1 binds MAD2L2 in a Rev1-like pattern

Nomi Pernicone, Shira Grinshpon, Tamar Listovsky

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7 Scopus citations


MAD2L2 (i.e. Rev7) is a central regulatory protein important in several processes, such as translesion synthesis (TLS), DNA damage response and mitosis. In TLS, MAD2L2 binds Rev3 to form Pol zeta (ζ) and promotes formation of the Pol ζ- REV1 complex allowing extension beyond distorted DNA structures. MAD2L2 is also part of the heterotetrameric shieldin complex that regulates DNA repair at sites of damage, where similarly to TLS, it bridges the interaction between SHLD2 and SHLD3. Lastly, during mitosis, MAD2L2 prevents premature activation of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), by sequestering its activator, CDH1. MAD2L2 exits in a ‘closed’ active conformation binding Rev3 and Rev1, or SHLD2 and SHLD3, and an ‘open’ inactive conformation, with no binding partners. Moreover, Pol ζ- REV1 forms a homodimer using a protein-protein interaction (PPI) domain comprised of a central αC helix, promoting Rev3-MAD2L2 interaction and C-terminus β-sheets, enabling Rev1-MAD2L2 interaction. While the role of MAD2L2 in TLS is well established, molecular details regarding the CDH1-MAD2L2 interaction and MAD2L2 homodimerization are still missing. Here we demonstrate, in a human cell line, using a series of MAD2L2 mutants, that MAD2L2's C-terminus interface is essential for the CDH1-MAD2L2 binding as well as for homodimerization. In addition, we show that CDH1 interacts with MAD2L2 in a Rev1-like pattern, using the same C-terminus residues on MAD2L2 which Rev1 binds. Thus, identification of CDH1 as an additional Rev1-like binding protein strengthens the versatility of MAD2L2 as a regulatory protein and emphasizes the complexity involved in MAD2L2's preferential complex formation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)566-572
Number of pages7
JournalBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Issue number4
StatePublished - 22 Oct 2020


  • CDH1(FZR1)
  • MAD2L2
  • Protein-protein interaction


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