Branched droplet clusters and the Kramers theorem

Mark Frenkel, Alexander A. Fedorets, Dmitry V. Shcherbakov, Leonid A. Dombrovsky, Michael Nosonovsky, Edward Bormashenko

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Scaling laws inherent for polymer molecules are checked for the linear and branched chains constituting two-dimensional (2D) levitating microdroplet clusters condensed above the locally heated layer of water. We demonstrate that the dimensionless averaged end-to-end distance of the droplet chain r¯ normalized by the averaged distance between centers of the adjacent droplets l¯ scales as r¯/l¯∼n0.76, where n is the number of links in the chain, which is close to the power exponent ¾, predicted for 2D polymer chains with excluded volume in the dilution limit. The values of the dimensionless Kuhn length b ≅2.12±0.015 and of the averaged absolute value of the bond angle of the droplet chains |θ|¯=22.0±0.50 are determined. Using these values we demonstrate that the predictions of the Kramers theorem for the gyration radius of branched polymers are valid also for the branched droplets' chains. We discuss physical interactions that explain both the high value of the power exponent and the applicability of the Kramers theorem including the effects of the excluded volume, surrounding droplet monomers, and the prohibition of extreme values of the bond angle.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055104
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2022


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