Atypical phonological processes in naming errors of children with language impairment

Michal Biran, Gila Tubul-Lavy, Rama Novogrodsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The current study explored the characteristics of phonological errors of preschool children with DLD (Developmental Language Disorder), distinguishing between typical versus atypical phonological processes in segmental, syllabic and word levels. The analysis included 87 responses of words with phonological errors from a naming test, produced by 13 preschool children with DLD, aged 4;4–6;3 years. These responses included 166 phonological processes, which were classified into typical and atypical processes at the levels of: segments, syllables, and prosodic words. The findings revealed that 70% of the phonological processes were atypical. Furthermore, ten children produced more atypical processes, and there were more atypical than typical processes in segmental and word levels. It is suggested that some children with DLD represent phonological processes that are similar to those that children with speech and sound disorders produce. Therefore, clinically, the results emphasise the importance of analysing the typical and atypical characteristics of phonological errors as part of language assessment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)996-1012
Number of pages17
JournalClinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2023


  • DLD
  • Naming
  • phonological disorder
  • phonological processes


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