Y. Hasin, S. Rogel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


1. It has been demonstrated in an earlier study that the threshold for capturing the canine ventricle in situ varies at each time interval during the relative refractory period with a wide range of current levels. Thus, there is no single threshold curve, as is commonly accepted, but rather a range defined by upper limit of threshold (TU) and a lower limit (TL). TU is the minimal current level which always produced a generalized ventricular response. A wide range of lesser current levels produced a local response but with inconsistent propagation throughout the ventricle. TL is the maximal current level which was never able to elicit a generalized response. 2. Applying the method used for the determination of these limits, the present study was undertaken to characterize the effect of quinidine, lignocaine, procainamide and verapamil in therapeutic doses on TU and TL. 3. It was found that quinidine, lignocaine and procainamide elevated TU and TL during the relative refractory period, but only quinidine did so during diastole as well. Verapamil, however, did not have any significant influence on excitability. Procainamide had the least effect on the absolute refractoriness of the ventricular muscle as judged by the rightward displacement of the TU and TL curves, while quinidine and lignocaine exhibited a significant displacement regarding TU but much less so for TL. 4. The proposition is entertained that TL represents true local excitability of the ventricular muscle and TU represents the stimulus needed for propagation throughout the heart during the most unfavourable conditions for such spread. 5. Relative changes of TU/TL as a function of TU are considered to express the capability of the locally induced potential to evoke a generalized response: quinidine diminished, procainamide increased, and lignocaine had no effect on this parameter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)391-403
Number of pages13
JournalClinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 1977
Externally publishedYes


  • antiarrhythmic drugs
  • lignocaine
  • myocardial excitability
  • procainamide
  • quinidine
  • refractory period
  • verapamil.


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