An optimization algorithm employing multiple metamodels and optimizers

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20 Scopus citations


Modern engineering design optimization often relies on computer simulations to evaluate candidate designs, a setup which results in expensive black-box optimization problems. Such problems introduce unique challenges, which has motivated the application of metamodel-assisted computational intelligence algorithms to solve them. Such algorithms combine a computational intelligence optimizer which employs a population of candidate solutions, with a metamodel which is a computationally cheaper approximation of the expensive computer simulation. However, although a variety of metamodels and optimizers have been proposed, the optimal types to employ are problem dependant. Therefore, a priori prescribing the type of metamodel and optimizer to be used may degrade its effectiveness. Leveraging on this issue, this study proposes a new computational intelligence algorithm which autonomously adapts the type of the metamodel and optimizer during the search by selecting the most suitable types out of a family of candidates at each stage. Performance analysis using a set of test functions demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and highlights the merit of the proposed adaptation approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)227-241
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Automation and Computing
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2013


  • Expensive optimization problems
  • adaptive algorithms
  • computational intelligence
  • metamodelling
  • model selection


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