A Mechanistic Study of the Copper(II)-Peptide-Cataly zed Superoxide Dismutation. A Pulse Radiolysis Study

Sara Goldstein, Gidon Czapski, Dan Meyerstein

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61 Scopus citations


The reactivity of O2- toward Cu(II)-peptides containing glycine and histidine for which E°cu(III)/Cu(II) ≤ 108 V was investigated by the pulse radiolysis technique. It has been found that the ability of the various complexes to catalyze O2- dismutation depends inversely on the redox potential of the couple Cu(III)/Cu(II). The Cu(II)-peptides containing histidine, which have higher redox potentials than that of the couple O2-/H2O2, do not catalyze the reaction at all. Although no direct evidence was found for the formation of Cu(III)-peptide, the results suggest that the mechanism of the catalysis of Of dismutation proceeds via alternate oxidation and reduction of the metal by O2-. Furthermore, this mechanism is supported by indirect observations, which are discussed in detail.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6489-6492
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number18
StatePublished - Jan 1990
Externally publishedYes


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