Warsaw and Jerusalem: Polish-Jewish history, culture, values, and education between paradise and inferno

Nitza Davidovich (!!Editor), Eyal Lewin (!!Editor)

نتاج البحث: كتاب / تقريركتاب


"Warsaw and Jerusalem deals with different aspects of the inherent paradoxes of Jewish-Polish relations. Written by scholars from Israel and from Poland, who study history, culture, education, and politics, this book forms a unique interdisciplinary collage. Thus, it has a twofold advantage: as an academic insight in the field of Jewish studies; and as a social bonder of an academic community that has its representatives in universities in Israel and in Poland. This project is bound to be an inspiring source for scholars of Jewish studies and Jewish history. In college or university classes, the collection of a variety of chapters will aid students who compose their assignments and need brainwave resources in the field. With a contribution to the deep comprehension of the ongoing discourse about historical as well as nowadays relations between Israel - that represents the Jewish people - and Poland, this book will also appeal to institutes that commemorate Jewish community life in Poland, particularly those who concentrate on Holocaust memorial and Holocaust studies. Many of these institutes aim to be centers where life before and after the Holocaust can be studied, and this book certainly falls within the framework of a resource-book for such cause. As opposed to other volumes in this field, this book forms - to a certain extent - a primary source. It talks less about Jewish culture or education from a scholarly examining angle, and prefers to present Jewish culture and education with a broad variety of examples. Additionally, it is highly updated, it tells the full story not only about pre-Holocaust Jewish culture in Poland, but also about current educational projects. All in all, it is not a stand-alone handbook for Jewish-Polish studies; but it can certainly function as an initial source-book for anyone who studies the subject"--back cover.
اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
مكان النشرIrvine; Boca Raton
عدد الصفحات150
رقم المعيار الدولي للكتب (الإلكتروني)9781627347082
حالة النشرنُشِر - 2019

ULI Keywords

  • !!uli
  • Jews -- Education -- Poland -- History -- 21st century
  • Jews -- Poland -- History -- 21st century
  • Jews -- Poland -- Intellectual life -- 21st century


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