PARP-1 is required for retrieval of cocaine-associated memory by binding to the promoter of a novel gene encoding a putative transposase inhibitor

E. Lax, A. Friedman, R. Massart, R. Barnea, L. Abraham, D. Cheishvili, M. Zada, H. Ahdoot, T. Bareli, G. Warhaftig, L. Visochek, M. Suderman, M. Cohen-Armon, M. Szyf, G. Yadid

نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلةمقالةمراجعة النظراء

6 اقتباسات (Scopus)


Reward-related memory is an important factor in cocaine seeking. One necessary signaling mechanism for long-term memory formation is the activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), via poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. We demonstrate herein that auto-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of activated PARP-1 was significantly pronounced during retrieval of cocaine-associated contextual memory, in the central amygdala (CeA) of rats expressing cocaine-conditioned place preference (CPP). Intra-CeA pharmacological and short hairpin RNA depletion of PARP-1 activity during cocaine-associated memory retrieval abolished CPP. In contrast, PARP-1 inhibition after memory retrieval did not affect CPP reconsolidation process and subsequent retrievals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing revealed that PARP-1 binding in the CeA is highly enriched in genes involved in neuronal signaling. We identified among PARP targets in CeA a single gene, yet uncharacterized and encoding a putative transposase inhibitor, at which PARP-1 enrichment markedly increases during cocaine-associated memory retrieval and positively correlates with CPP. Our findings have important implications for understanding drug-related behaviors, and suggest possible future therapeutic targets for drug abuse.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
الصفحات (من إلى)570-579
عدد الصفحات10
دوريةMolecular Psychiatry
مستوى الصوت22
رقم الإصدار4
المعرِّفات الرقمية للأشياء
حالة النشرنُشِر - 1 أبريل 2017
منشور خارجيًانعم


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