First results from a millimeter-wave soil moisture-content measurement

Alon Eliran, Naftaly Goldshleger, Asher Yahalom, Eyal Ben-Dor, Menachem Agassi

نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

2 اقتباسات (Scopus)


This paper presents the correlation between soil-moisture content and the standard deviation of the angular variation of the backscattering coefficient of millimeter-wave radiation. This sets the basis for a method, which enables assessment of the soil-moisture content in the upper part of the root zone. Further development of the method should provide a micro-profile measurement of soil moisture up to the depth of the root zone. The method is based on the emerging technology of millimeter waves, providing improved resolution of the subsurface concurrent with surface mapping. Development and use of the method described herein will make it easier to analyze and understand processes governing the soil-water interface, such as soil crusting, penetration, runoff and erosion.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
عنوان منشور المضيف2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2011
المعرِّفات الرقمية للأشياء
حالة النشرنُشِر - 2011
منشور خارجيًانعم
الحدث2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2011 - Tel Aviv, إسرائيل
المدة: ٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١١

سلسلة المنشورات

الاسم2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2011


!!Conference2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2011
المدينةTel Aviv


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