Cefepime (CEP) vs Ceftazidime (CAZ) in the treatment of pyelonephritis. A european study of 300 children

U. B. Schaad, J. Eskola, D. Kafetzis, M. Fischbach, S. Ashkenazi, V. Syriopoulou, J. Boulesteix, J. J. Gres, C. Rollin

نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلةمقالةمراجعة النظراء


This open, comparative, centrally randomized study was conducted in 39 European ESPID centers in 1996, to compare CEP and CAZ, both 50 mg/kg q8h in the treatment of documented pyelonephritis in children. Oral continuation antibiotic therapy was allowed, as was long-term prophylaxis. Response to therapy was assessed at the end of IV therapy, end of IV+oral therapy and at early (Day+5/+9) and late (Week+4/+6) controls. Among the 300 patients included, 235 (78%) were evaluable for efficacy analysis, as assessed by the ESPID Scientific Committee blinded review. All patients characteristics were comparable between treatment groups, including age (52% aged < 2y) and presence of risk factors (46%), Total treatment duration was 14 (10-42) days. Predominant pathogens were E. coli (88%), Proteus sp (6%), P. aeruginosa (2%) and Klebsiella sp (2%). Initial eradication rates were comparable at end of IV therapy (99% vs 100%) as were maintained eradication at end of total therapy (100% vs 96%), early (95% vs 98%) and late (99% vs 92%) controls. Clinical response rates were similar (CEP: 98% at all controls, CAZ: 92% to 100%). Both treatments were well tolerated (91% without related events). Based on those results, cefepime is as safe and efficacious as ceftazidime for treatment of documented pyelonephritis in pediatric patients.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
الصفحات (من إلى)432
عدد الصفحات1
دوريةClinical Infectious Diseases
مستوى الصوت25
رقم الإصدار2
حالة النشرنُشِر - 1997


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