Carbon nanotubes as efficient anode current collectors for stationary aqueous Zn–Br2 batteries

Noam Levi, Gil Bergman, Amey Nimkar, Merav Nadav Tsubery, Arie Borenstein, Alex Adronov, Doron Aurbach, Daniel Sharon, Gilbert Daniel Nessim, Netanel Shpigel

نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلةمقالةمراجعة النظراء

1 اقتباس (Scopus)


Static Zn–Br2 batteries are considered an attractive option for cost-effective and high-capacity systems for large energy storage. Yet, the corrosive nature of the Zn–Br2 electrolytes entails a careful selection of all cells' ingredients to avoid rapid degradation of the batteries upon cycling. Thanks to their high chemical resistance and excellent conductivity, carbonaceous electrodes are typically utilized as current collectors for the cathode side, while thin Zn or Ti foils are most widely used as the anodes' current collectors. However, these metals tend to corrode fast, thus undermining the desirable performance of the cells as durable and stable rechargeable batteries. We demonstrate the effective utilization of carbon nanotubes (CNT) films as highly stable anode current collector for Zn–Br2 batteries. Dispersion of the CNT beforehand in slurries containing anionic, cationic, or neutral surfactants yielded distinct chemical and physical characteristics of these carbonaceous electrodes. This, in turn, led to significant differences in the morphology of the deposited Zn, consequently affecting the electrochemical performance of the Zn anodes. These findings provide insight into the interactions between Zn cations and the surface of CNTs, offering opportunities for further surface modifications of CNTs as effective anodes’ substrates for Zn–Br2 batteries.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
رقم المقال119407
مستوى الصوت228
المعرِّفات الرقمية للأشياء
حالة النشرنُشِر - سبتمبر 2024


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