2022 Para Report Card on Physical Activity of Israeli Children and Adolescents With Disabilities

Yeshayahu Hutzler, Riki Tesler, Avinoam Gilad, Ng Kwok, Sharon Barak

نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلةمقالةمراجعة النظراء

2 اقتباسات (Scopus)


Children and adolescents with disabilities (CAWD) represent 11% of Israeli children and adolescents. The 10 core indicators of the Global Matrix on Para Report Cards of physical activity (PA) of CAWD were used to create the 2022 Israeli Para Report Card. A panel of four experts reviewed resources and synthesized evidence of PA behaviors and policies for CAWD in Israel, converted the data to grades, and charted subcategories of language, sex, and disability across population. Data sources were surveys, reports, and memberships in sport federations and clubs. Among CAWD, levels of participation in daily PA were poor (<20%; Grade F), and participation of CAWD in sports was even lower (<10%; Grade F). A lack of environmental infrastructure may explain the low levels of participation. Females, Arabic speakers, and physiological CAWD need particular attention. Establishing governmental policies and interventions is required to increase overall PA and participation in sports among CAWD.

اللغة الأصليةالإنجليزيّة
الصفحات (من إلى)513-522
عدد الصفحات10
دوريةAdapted Physical Activity Quarterly
مستوى الصوت40
رقم الإصدار3
المعرِّفات الرقمية للأشياء
حالة النشرنُشِر - يوليو 2023


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