The purpose of this article is to compare the social-documentary text, the diaries of workers from the Third Aliyah "our lives" vs. The Blue Mountain by Meir Shalev, which describes the lives of pioneers and workers in Eretz Israel and relies on documentary materials such as those appearingin the workers' diaries .The common denominator in the two texts indicates a grave expression raises the question of whether there was room for humor in the workers' journals, and on the other hand, is there room for humorous expressions in the design of pioneering figures acting in the name ofZionist ideology and living conditions for the common good?The workers' diaries have humorous characteristics, most of them refined, aimed at criticizing the members of the group and / or its leaders. In the literary text, in The Blue Mountain, as opposed to the workers' diaries, the humoristic characteristics are abundant, hidden and explicit, and sometimes blatantly criticize social phenomena in Israeli society in the past and present
العنوان المترجم للمساهمة | Social document vs. Literary text versus: Design of Humor in the diary of Poalim "Our Lives" compared with The Blue Mountain by Meir Shalev |
اللغة الأصلية | العبريّة |
الصفحات (من إلى) | 6-22 |
عدد الصفحات | 17 |
دورية | הומור מקוון |
مستوى الصوت | 16 |
حالة النشر | نُشِر - 2021 |
IHP Publications
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