نتاج الأبحاث سنويًا
نتاج الأبحاث سنويًا
نتاج الأبحاث سنويًا
My research interests have focused on older adults following neurologic and orthopedic injuries using a biopsychological perspective to examine rehabilitation outcomes issues, especially involving positive psychological factors. My research has especially involved participants with hip fracture and total hip replacement. While initially I focused on geriatric rehabilitation, in recent years I have focused on participation in occupation, environmental factors and quality of life among general population. I especially have focused on daily occupations patterns, occupational disruption in daily occupations, and the relationship with optimism, and positive affect during COVID-19 lockdown in Israel.
These days I am intending to explore personal, occupational, and environmental factors and their impact on glycemic control among Diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. My vision for the future is to develop and evaluate Occupational therapy interventions for enhancing s glycemic control and control chronic diseases.
دكتور, Years: 2/2011 – 6/2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Occupational Therapy Department, Name of advisor: Prof. Adina Meir PhD, OT and Dr. Hagit Magen. Stage B from 2/1/2014. Title of thesis: "Positive Affect, optimism and hope among elderly patients with hip fracture and the association with functional recovery, activity participation and quality of life six months after discharge".
فبراير 2011 → يونيو 2019
لقب ثاني, Years: 1999-2003, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Occupational Therapy Department. Name of advisor: Prof. Katz, Noomi PhD, OTR and Prof. Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, PhD, OT. Title of thesis: "The relationship between attention and performance in virtual street crossing environment among elderly patients after orthopedic surgery due to a fall".
1999 → 2003
لقب أوّل, Years: 1993-1997, Tel-Aviv University, Occupational Therapy Department
1993 → 1997
نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلة › مقالة › مراجعة النظراء
نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلة › مقالة › مراجعة النظراء
نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلة › مقالة › مراجعة النظراء
نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلة › مقالة › مراجعة النظراء
نتاج البحث: نشر في مجلة › مقالة › مراجعة النظراء