יעקב איסחקוב



نتاج الأبحاث سنويًا

منشور من مؤتمر

نتائج البحث

  • 2018

    Theoretical stress–Strain model for compressed composite cement materials

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2018, High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials III. Hernández, S., Kravanja, S. & De Wilde, W. P. (المحررون). WITPress, صفحة 9-16 8 صفحة (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; المجلد 175).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

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    5 اقتباسات (Scopus)
  • 2016

    Concepts for an early identification of security-relevant defects in concrete bases of wind turbines in terms of Condition Monitoring Systems

    Resnik, B., Ribakov, Y. & Iskhakov, I., 2016, IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment. صفحة 1858-1866 9 صفحة (IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • Repairing of rc structures by steel fibred high strength concrete

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2016, IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment. صفحة 1637-1643 7 صفحة (IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • Using steel fibered high strength concrete for repairing continuous normal strength concrete bending elements

    Holschemacher, K., Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2016, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR 2015. Beushausen, H.-D., Alexander, M. G., Moyo, P. & Dehn, F. (المحررون). صفحة 89 1 صفحة (Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR 2015).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • 2013

    Two LA yer high performance concrete beams for bridges

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2013, fib Symposium TEL-AVIV 2013: Engineering a Concrete Future: Technology, Modeling and Construction, Proceedings. Dancygier, A. N. (محرر). صفحة 205-208 4 صفحة (fib Symposium TEL-AVIV 2013: Engineering a Concrete Future: Technology, Modeling and Construction, Proceedings).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • 2012

    Using Steel Fibred High Strength Concrete for repairing Normal Strength Concrete beams and slabs

    Iskhakov, I., Ribakov, Y., Holschemacher, K. & Mueller, T., 2012, Concrete Solutions - Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair. صفحة 681-687 7 صفحة (Concrc - Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

    3 اقتباسات (Scopus)
  • 2011

    Two-layer beams from normal and fibered high strength concrete

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2011, ISEC 2011 - 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction. Yazdani, S., Cheung, S. O., Singh, A. & Ghafoori, N. (المحررون). صفحة 1151-1154 4 صفحة (ISEC 2011 - 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

    7 اقتباسات (Scopus)
  • 2010

    Ductility of high performance joint between HSC column and NSC flat slab

    Iskhakov, I., Ribakov, Y. & Shah, A., 2010, High Performance Structures and Materials V, HPSM 2010. صفحة 27-37 11 صفحة (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; المجلد 112).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

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    2 اقتباسات (Scopus)
  • 2009

    Estimation of the seismic resistance heritage buildings by dynamic testing of their structural parts

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2009, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XI. صفحة 477-486 10 صفحة (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; المجلد 109).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

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  • 2008

    From high strength and high performance concrete to high performance RC bending elements

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2008, High Performance Structures and Materials IV, HPSM 2008. صفحة 73-82 10 صفحة (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; المجلد 97).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

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  • Two-layer pre-stressed beams consisting of normal and high strength steel fibred concrete

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2008, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, CST 2008. Civil-Comp Press, المجلد 88.

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • 2007

    Modern trends in base isolation applications for seismic protection of historic buildings

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2007, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture X. صفحة 623-632 10 صفحة (WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; المجلد 95).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

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  • 2006

    Laboratory study of a variable friction damper with a curved wedge

    Blostotsky, B., Ribakov, Y. & Iskhakov, I., 2006, 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006. صفحة 4915-4924 10 صفحة (8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006; المجلد 8).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

  • 2005

    Modelling and design of variable friction dampers for improving seismic response of structures

    Ribakov, Y., Blostotsky, B. & Iskhakov, I., 2005, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp 2005. (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp 2005).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء

    2 اقتباسات (Scopus)
  • Seismic resistance of natural and artificial variable stiffness reinforced concrete buildings

    Iskhakov, I. & Ribakov, Y., 2005, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp 2005. (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp 2005).

    نتاج البحث: فصل من :كتاب / تقرير / مؤتمرمنشور من مؤتمرمراجعة النظراء